Caring for the Community

In serving the community, Singaporeans served the nation.

At the launch of the Keep Singapore Clean campaign in 1968, Mr Lee Kuan Yew said, “Singapore has become one home, one garden for all of us”. This reminds us that no man is an island and it takes our collective effort to improve our living environment.

Mr Chua Sian Chin (then Minister for Health) promoting the anti-pollution message at his Macpherson Constituency in 1968. 

Courtesy of The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.

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Members of the community clearing a drain as part of the Gotong Royong Project in 1971.

Courtesy of The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.

We are looking for artefacts like this. View Our Wishlist.

Mdm Lin Ming Ju with one of the graduating cohorts of Happy School

Dr E Tai recalls her mother Mdm Lin Ming Ju as a form teacher at Happy School from the 1950s to 1970s. Mdm Lin also initiated and taught classes in performing arts for students at the school. The school was set up by two cabaret girls of Happy World to bring education to the children of Geylang.

Courtesy of Dr E Tai.

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